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ECR = E.quine C.olic R.elief

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Always Keep ecr on hand

Are You Prepared To Stop Colic?

If Equine Colic Relief is not part of your first aid kit you could lose your precious Horse!  Have that “Peace of Mind” knowing you have a first defense against colic.



The fastest shipping in the world won’t be fast enough

when you have a colic emergency on your hands!



So we keep ours price rather small. Owning a horse is one of life’s most rewarding experiences; it takes a lot and we understand.  This is a phenomenal product. I personally have lost a horse to colic, Oct. 2019 before I found this product. I will never again “NOT” be prepared to STOP a bout of colic and SAVE my horse.  In an average time of 10-20 minutes your horse’s bowel sounds return & as it’s ingested, in unison, 90-200 minutes using this ECR 4-Part Patented Formula "Equine Colic Relief" safely and Consistently.  IT’S TIME TO “THINK” OUT OF THE BOX.  THIS PRODUCT REALLY WORKS!!!  It is not a preventative; it is a remedy that stops a bout of colic that is in progress.  

& YLEOYoung Living Essential Oils DiGize and Pepperment 15 ml bottle !!!

  • Works to save horses from colic, Equine Colic Relief is your first defense to STOP a bout with colic.  Do not give Banamine during giving ECR . . . because it over powers the ECR solution from working, it won't give their body mobility.  

Standard Treatment

for Colic for

the past 30+ years

  • Wait on Veterinarian - some vets no longer make barn or camp calls

  • Walk horse for hours

  • Give SHOT in vein - muscle relaxant!

  • Stuff stiff tube in horse's nose down esophagus to stomach - complications

  • Mineral Oil placed down tube - does not dissolve the impaction

  • No bowel (gurgling) sounds, horse still is ill and has trapped gas

  • Eliminates waiting for a Vet! - Does not require a vet to administer

  • Eliminate walking horses for hours! Ok to lie back down (if not rolling)

  • Eliminates shots! Muscle relaxants should not be given for impactions

  • Eliminates struggles & tube complications!

  • Eliminates WORRY! All nagural ingredients, 14 year shelf life

  • Bowel sounds in 10-30 minutes - cures a normal bout within 3 hours!

Treatment of Future -


Available NOW!!!

Why is there a need for an alternative treatment for 

C O L I C?

  • Colic, world-wide in 2008, killed a record 5.9 million horses, or approximately 1 horse every 8.9 seconds!

  • 98% of the horses died from impaction!

  • The horses received conventional colic treatments by a vet, surgery by a vet or surgeon or were hospitalized BEFORE they died.

  • Cures a normal bout of impaction colic every time without fail!!!

  • What you need to know about the NSAID drug Banamine and it's MISUSE/common mistakes!!!

  • 10 Things your vet wants you to know about Banamine & need to know that it does not cure colic, Flunixin does not cause sedation, improved gut motility!!!


Sometimes, there may be a combination of causes, with a small site of parasitic infection weakening a section of bowel enough to cause an impaction as poorly digested food tries to pass. The onset of a colic caused by impaction is usually slower, with the pain building up over 8 to 12 hours before it is ever even clear to the owner.

Equine Colic Relief Product Information

Colic claimed 5 + Million horses World Wide in 2008 or 1 horse every 15 seconds. In horses, the outcome is not always so predicable or pleasant. In fact, Colic is known as the number one cause of equine death. This is a scary statistic, but if you know what to do to prevent the affliction as well as the common symptoms, the danger is less severe. Most horses can survive if they get the proper help soon enough.  Our Clients pulled Equine Colic Relief out of their medical bag and stopped their horse’s bout of Colic in an average time of 90 – 120 minutes so their horses were not among these fatalities. If “Today” your horse has a bout of Colic, can you pull anything out of your medical bag that can Stop it? We know you are afraid of the word Colic. That same fear runs deep in all Owner the first time Colic wreaks violence against their horses.


What’s in ECR, that can Stop a Bout of Normal Colic, from KILLING A HORSE?

This is probably a question; you started asking yourself, as you read what it can do. In 1995 Tim, a brilliant Marine Biological chemist, patented a formula in Nova Scotia, where he lived and did his research. He found a specific combination, of Kelp and Irish Sea Moss, when liquidated immediately, after being harvested from the Baltic Sea, would quickly enter and soften to a pudding like consistency, impacted dead matter. ECR purchased Tim’s patent, in 1996 as Part 1 of the 4-Part Formula used to make ECR. The final 3 parts, created by another lab, contain Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium D, Peppermint oil, Vegetable Glycerin, a little Purified Water and Molasses for flavor and Sorbitol for sweetness. All of which are ingredients approved for human or animal consumption by the FDA.


What Does ECR do during a Normal Bout of Colic?

Combined they form the last 3 parts and processes, that hydrate the bowel tissue, replace Ionic Solutions in the bowel muscles, dissipate Methane Gas and relieve pressure within the bowels. Tim’s formula, is also the 1st part of our formula, which dissolves an impaction and in unison, working with not against the body, each part uses its natural process to effectively stop, a normal bout of Colic.  An example, of what combined natural ingredients can do, is orange juice and bicarbonate of soda. Used alone, soda, when ingested reduces gas, but when added to powdered or liquid orange juice, the soda dissipates the acidity in the juice so its natural Vitamin C, can be used to calm muscle contractions.  Long ago before RX drugs, this mixture was sold by apothecaries to individuals and healers to naturally end stomach cramps.


Are Time Factors the same in each horse and How Can I Determine It’s Working?

Horses, like humans aren’t robots and don’t respond in the same time frame or in the same manner to a product, like another would! Actual time responses used for ECR is determined by 3 years of testing it and continual feed from Clients who use it. One thing is certain, within 10-30 minutes after ingestion, you’ll hear returning or stronger bowel sounds in your horse! If you don’t and their abdomen was fully distended, before you gave them ECR, please wait 10 minutes more! This level of distention usually means the abdomen contained excess gas and/or the bowel was fully impacted. There is only one method to Clinically listen for bilateral bowel sounds as a vet does. You must listen with a stethoscope on both sides of your horses’ abdomen, by 1st starting at the Pelvic Flexure, then slowly working across their abdomen. When you hear returning or stronger sounds, not sounds like thunder (from gas), but a train coming down the track and a healthy gurgling, ECR is working to stop the bout so relax!


If before you gave ECR you heard sounds indicating gas, if you continue to hear them, but no healthy sounds, hear no bowel activity, sounds like air being let out of a tire or sounds only one side of the abdomen, call your vet! This is NOT A BOUT OF NORMAL COLIC!! THESE HORSES NEED IMMEDIATE MEDICAL/SURGICAL INTERVENTION!!!!! No sounds or sounds such as these, can signal a possible blockage by an obstacle or large amounts of sand, a rupture, twist, torsion or displaced bowel!


Has ECR Ever Failed To Stop A Normal Bout of Colic?

The 4 processes in ECR, return bowel sounds or Motility to the whole bowel so a horse having a normal bout of Colic or Sand Colic, will produce sounds on both sides of the abdomen, within the specified time span, unless something other, than a normal bout of Colic, is occurring!  ECR cannot, help a horse with bowels containing huge amounts of sand, stones, gravel, obstacles, tumors, mesquite beans or bowels displaced/torsion (twisted or kinked) knotted or ruptured, infected or poisoned!  A sad example is a 2 month old filly, which exhibited signs of mild colic and was given ECR, because the barn manager had used it before and still does to stop bouts, in other horses! After a few minutes she began hitting her head on the stall wall! The vet was  called and after he examined her, he put her down, not from colic but lead poisoning! What the manager didn’t know is for several days, while with her mom at a trainer, she had eaten lead paint chips, in their old barn, off her stall wall, which were in part, was found during the postmortem exam of her bowels. As her small body filled with poison, the pain went from mild to extreme abdominal, muscular and neural! Nothing after she was poisoned, could of saved her life so the vet, put her mercifully to rest!


What Are Recommendations For Me As A First Time User?

Please give ECR time to work! We would never, nor would any Representative or Distributorship Business Owner in the ECR Sales System, tell a Client, not to call a vet, before or after they give ECR! That is your choice, not ours!  As a rule when you hear returning or stronger bilateral bowel sounds, this is a positive indication ECR is working!  One 1st time user, told his Rep. before he used ECR, he put speed dial for his vet on his cell, for his stallion, which had a history of chronic colic! After ECR never failed to return his gut activity and stopped 2 bouts, he removed it and became a True Believer and client for life, which still remains, his choice!


If you have doubts, after reading the information on this website, we can provide to owners, the phone #’s and/or email addresses of True Believers. This list of clients is made up of intelligent, informed, concerned owners, throughout the world, who volunteered to tell other owners, how using ECR, has changed their lives! They asked us to help, in a FINAL EFFORT to give you and your horse, the same peace from colic, they enjoy! Call 1-724-992-2340 to ask for a name or names from the list.



Horses have fears, but no voice to express them!

They trust us, like children to make wise choices for them!

A choice for their next bout of Colic can mean they LIVE or DIE!


Saturday night I (Billie) got a call from my neighbor Vicki, her mare, Scarlett, had colic. I took a bottle of ECR over. When I got there this mare had colic REAL bad. She was cramping and trying to drop and roll consistently. We gave her the bottle right away and I checked for gut sound, NONE. We kept her moving and up, sometimes it was hard, she really wanted to lie down and roll. The last time I saw a horse in this much pain was mine and she did not make it (that was before I got ECR). In about 30 minutes we could hear gut sound on one side, but not the other. After about three hours gut sound was returning good on one side, not so good on the other and she still seemed to be in a lot of pain, so against the ECR instructions we administered banamine also. Within an hour she was feeling much better. So I went home and returned the next morning. I know banamine does not solve the problem, only mask it. The next morning she still wanted to lie down and roll although she was not in near the pain she was in at first and not violently rolling. Gut sound was real good on one side and pretty good on the other side. We administered a second bottle of ECR and later that day she was have nice big and wet manure piles with great gut sound on both sides. I know in my heart that ECR SAVED THIS HORSE. I am grateful that I was able to help my neighbor just like many of my clients do for their neighbors. Nobody wants to lose their beloved horse, which is truly heartbreaking.



I board a few horses and when I was doing the evening feeding, a mare, Dusty, who is a very good eater, came to the trough like she was going to eat when I threw the hay. Went on to feed other horses, came back and Dusty was laying down by her feeder. Administer ECR and in two hours, Dusty was back to normal. Again we had this weather change from warm to cold. Possible?? Again God Bless ECR. Dusty is doing fine.



4-H Coconino County Horse Fair — Rock, nine year old gelding got colic at around 12:30 pm. Adjabah had just rode him and put Rock back in his stall. She went to check on him and he was sweating and trying to drop and roll. They call me, Billie, horse project leader, and sure enough Rock has a bout of colic. We administered Equine Colic Relief and the 4-H members took turns walking Rock to keep him from rolling and in two hours Rock was over his bout of colic. Adjabah rode Rock in barrels, poles, and goat tying just 2 1/2 hours after his bout of colic had started and ended.
4-H Horse Project Leader


~KNOW HOW TO & CHECK FOR GUT SOUNDS gurgling/rumbling VS. GAS!!!!!  THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE . . . KNOW THE 4-QUADRANTS OF THE GUT and where to listen. Act right away!

~WEATHER & TEMPERATURE CHANGES equines tend to not drink water in situations, or act different for a reason . . . take note!  Offer them warm water vs. cold (not too hot)!
~Have you changed feeds to suddenly (transition to new feed is a key factor). And hay as well!

~Biting at sides, pawing, laying down, trying to roll over, not drinking water on trail or when you get back . . . and/or eating, being sluggish for any reason?

~Had long trail ride and pushed their endurance and acting differently?

~Even being extra "cinchy" can be a sign!

~Hauling long distances and stress, being separated from buddy?

~Distress with sweating, has a rectal temp &/or higher heart rate and/or temp.

~Slight to obvious signs of dehydration, etc.

~Has there been a change or big change for them in their environment?

~Look for evenly pink gums vs. red/purple!

Note:  Banamine does not solve the problem, only mask it

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