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Natural Supplements & Feeding Accessories
4-VALUE PACK of Horse Positioners with Tie Rings.  No-Knot useful tool for high-line, easily wraps on high-line rope.  Move positioner easily or re-position any where,  or any time necessary.  Move it even while horse is on a high-line already set-up.  Move positioner when horse is too close to hay cube, or another horse.  Horse can’t move positioner, but you can. Horse & people friendly, very efficient.  Solid-braid rope on aluminum crimp, & nickel-plated tie ring
Tie lead rope of horse to the ring. Use one ring for lead, 2nd one for hay. Great for clipping hay cube or bag to the ring to feed while on high-line.

HP 4-valuePk Horse Positioners w/Tie Ring


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